Tag Archives: Brownsville Civil Defense Attorney

Service of Process on Social Media?
When a plaintiff files a civil lawsuit in Brownsville or anywhere else in Texas, the Rules of Civil Procedure require that a defendant be personally served with the Complaint. This is known as “service of process.” Unfortunately, service of process can get complicated if there is multi-party litigation or an out-of-state or international party… Read More »

Strategies for Removing a Product Liability Lawsuits to Federal Court
It is no secret that plaintiff’s attorneys often engage in blatant forum shopping in the hopes of filing a product liability or other tort claim in a “friendly” jurisdiction more likely to award their client, or clients, a large sum via a jury verdict. As a result, your Brownsville defense team needs to be… Read More »

Understanding How Texas Courts Treat Email in Civil Litigation
The judicial system in Texas, and across the country, is not typically known for being on the forefront of radical change or cutting-edge technology. A prime example is how the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure treated emails. Prior to 2014, email was not a recognized form of communication under the Texas Rules of Civil… Read More »

Texas Supreme Court Holds Loss of Use Damages Award Valid
For many years, the legal principle in Texas civil courts was that a damages claim alleging loss of use was not recoverable when the property alleged to lack any use was destroyed. However, the Texas Supreme Court turned this precedent upside down in a 2016 case. See J&D Towing, LLC v. Am. Alternative Ins…. Read More »

Assessing Whether It Makes Sense to Request a Medical Examination
If you, or your business, is the subject of personal injury litigation, one of the most hotly contested issues is the actual extent of the plaintiff’s alleged harms and losses. In many cases, the amount of damages sought by a plaintiff’s attorney is in no way indicative of the actual damages supposedly suffered by… Read More »

Overview of Collateral Estoppel and How It Can Help in Defending Against a Civil Lawsuit
Collateral estoppel is a legal term to describe the prohibition against the same two parties litigating the same issue in two separate lawsuits when an issue of ultimate fact has already been addressed and determined by a valid and final judgment. Objective of Collateral Estoppel If the same parties could file multiple lawsuits against… Read More »

How to Use a Plaintiff’s FitBit to Bolster Your Defense to a Civil Claim
You’ve probably seen people wearing mobile devices on their wrists, biceps, and other areas. These devices are known as “wearables” and they are gaining in popularity. In fact, it has been reported that approximately 1-in-6 consumers in the U.S. have a wearable device like a Fitbit, Apple Watch, and so forth. The concept of… Read More »

Overview of Expedited Trial Rules
You own a successful business in Brownsville. One day, you are served with a civil complaint filed by a customer claiming they were injured on your premises. In this case, you may be surprised to discover that the plaintiff’s decision to seek a certain amount of money may have a profound impact on the… Read More »