Onewheel Companies Are Facing Numerous Lawsuits

If you’ve been walking around West Texas recently, you’ve probably seen a few people riding so-called “Onewheels.” As the name implies, these are futuristic, skateboard-like devices with a single wheel. The rider appears to float while balancing on the single wheel, and these products have proven quite popular among people of all ages. However, the companies that manufacture and design these products are now facing numerous lawsuits. People have died while riding these devices, and many allege that these incidents have been caused by product defects.
If companies like Onewheel XR and Future Motion want to avoid serious legal consequences, it’s very important that they enlist the help of a qualified, experienced legal team that specializes in corporate defense. At least one of these lawsuits is being filed in Texas. It often makes sense for corporations to rely on the assistance of local lawyers who understand the specific laws and regulations that pertain to the Lone Star State.
Questions Have Been Raised About Onewheels
At least three people have filed wrongful death lawsuits on behalf of deceased loved ones who have lost their lives while riding Onewheels. One was a Texas man who suffered fatal brain injuries after a 2019 incident in California. Two other fatal accidents have occurred in California and in Long Island, New York.
One of the most common themes for these lawsuits is a “shut-off nosedive.” This is when the device shuts off without warning, causing the Onewheel to nosedive towards the ground. Since this device is meant to “float” above the air, a power shutoff can cause the standing platform to careen suddenly towards the ground. This in turn results in the rider being thrown forward towards the ground, and brain injuries can follow.
Details From a Texas Product Liability Lawsuit
One of the most notable and recent product liability lawsuits against a onewheel manufacturer involves a shut-off nosedive. The company being sued is Onewheel XR, a company based in Santa Cruz. This company is being accused of failing in its duty of care due to negligence in the design, marketing, and manufacturing process of their product.
A Texas man was riding on a onewheel in his neighborhood of Benbrook when the device abruptly shut off, slamming the onewheel into the pavement and throwing him forward. Although he was wearing a helmet, he suffered serious injuries and spent five days in a hospital. He also required surgery to repair a broken femur. Further injuries included a dislocated right shoulder and lacerations.
This man’s lawyers are accusing Onewheel XR of downplaying the risks of riding these products. They are also accusing the company of negligent design.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
If your organization is dealing with a product liability lawsuit, it’s very important to work with qualified, experienced Brownsville product liability defense attorneys. Reach out to Colvin, Saenz, Rodriguez & Kennamer, L.L.P., and we can help you approach this situation in the most efficient way possible. We have helped numerous organizations in West Texas avoid potential legal consequences, and we can employ a number of effective defense strategies. A product liability lawsuit doesn’t have to spell disaster for your organization. Reach out and book your consultation today.