Tag Archives: Brownsville Medical Device Litigation Defense Attorney

Lawyer Advertising May Be Causing Serious Harm to the Public
You have probably seen television commercials, heard radio advertisements, and encountered a banner advertisement on your computer featuring a plaintiff’s attorney decrying the side effects of a drug or medical device. Advertising by plaintiff’s lawyers has surpassed $1 billion and continues to grow, according to the ABA Journal. Lawyer advertising exclusively in the prescription… Read More »

Wrong Party Defense
In some personal injury or death cases, the facts are so bad that one of the only viable strategies to employ by the defense is to point to the proverbial “empty chair.” This is sometimes referred to as “the wrong party defense.” The strategy is fairly straightforward – agreeing that the plaintiff was harmed,… Read More »

Mirena IUD Litigation Prime Example of Taking on Alleged Causation Experts
There has been a bevy of litigation surrounding Mirena IUDs, a popular birth control device used by women across the country. A lawsuit was filed against the manufacturer alleging that the device caused idiopathic intracranial hypertension (“IIH”), which is a brain disorder resulting from increased pressure in the brain and central nervous system. Scant… Read More »